2015德国汉堡电影节最佳影片提名作品。导演是斯蒂芬·里克,曾凭借《双重罪》入围第十四届上海国际电影节金爵奖参赛。这部新作和平克·弗洛伊德的专辑《The Dark Side of The Moon》并没关系,而是改编了“瑞士当代最成功的作家”马丁·苏特的2006年同名畅销小说,而主角莫里兹·布雷多,他之前作品如《罗拉快跑》、《死亡实验》想必大家都很熟悉。故事讲述了他饰演的一位律政精英,因为一场毒蘑菇的冒险之旅,生活渐渐失序,往不可控轨道发展的故事……导演特别擅长气氛营造,摇晃的镜头、迷幻的视角,让观众与主人公一起陷入不可知的恐惧中。
本片改编自真实事件。1933年,江洋大盗约翰•迪林格(约翰尼•德普 Johnny Depp 饰)与同伙约翰•汉密尔顿(杰森•克拉克 Jason Clark 饰)持械劫狱,从印第安纳州监狱中成功救出抢劫团伙成员,包括“漂亮男孩”弗洛伊德(查宁•塔图 Channing Tatum 饰),“娃娃脸”尼尔森(斯蒂芬•格拉汉姆 Stephen Granham 饰)等,并藏身腐败警察马丁(约翰•迈克•鲍格 John Michael Bolger 饰)的农宅。马丁说服迪林格藏身芝加哥,寻求黑帮保护。在一系列银行抢劫活动中,迪林格爱上了芝加哥女职员比莉•弗雷凯特(玛丽昂•歌迪亚 Marion Cotillard 饰)。与此同时,联邦调查局探员茂文•普维斯(克里斯蒂安•贝尔 Christian Bale 饰)被上司胡佛局长(比利•克鲁德普 Billy Crudup 饰)提升,在美国第一次“打击犯罪战”中誓将迪林格捉拿归案。行动中,随着迪林格的势败,联邦调查局却日益壮大……
For the two 13-year-old blood-brothers Alex and Ferry, Hitler's war is an exciting game – which is not surprising since they live in a backwater town ignored by the Allied bombers. The only thing that's more interesting than watching enemy planes fly past is the burning desire to discover the secrets of sexuality with the fiery Rosa. But then bombs actually do start falling on their little town – and the boys are sent to a Czech spa to wait out the end of the war. Blessed with a beautiful singing voice, Alex joins the boys' choir, insisting that Ferry join it too – blood-brothers share everything! But trouble is afoot when Alex replaces the “Hitler Youth” watchdog as lead soloist. Worse yet is another problem they have to contend with: Alex learns that he's Jewish! As the choir prepares a concert that Hitler is planning to attend, the boys are swept up into a world of intrigue and danger – and into the bed of the brave and beautiful partisan Helenka... With both the war and the boys' hormones raging, Alex and Ferry embark on a coming-of-age adventure unlike any other.
A fifteen-foot grizzly bear figures out that humans make for a tasty treat. As a park ranger tries rallying his men to bring about the bear's capture or destruction, his efforts are thwarted by the introduction of dozens of drunken hunters into the area.
While on a botanical expedition in Tibet Dr. Wilfred Glendon is attacked in the dark by a strange animal. Returning to London, he finds himself turning nightly into a werewolf and terrorizing the city, with the only hope for curing his affliction a rare Asian flower.
A gravedigger prowls the city in search of a female to bear him a son. José Mojica Marins是巴西最著名的CULT恐怖片电影大师,这是其第一部长片作品,也是其著名的Ze do Caixao系列的第一集,开创了巴西低成本独立电影的新局面。
As a means to distract herself from an affair, a love-addicted woman befriends a cleaning lady, badly scarred by burns. She soon learns, these scars run much deeper than the surface.
Danny Haley's bookie operation is shut down, so he and his pals need money; when Danny meets Arthur Winant, a sucker from out of town, he decoys him into a series of poker games where eventually Winant loses $5000 that isn't his...then hangs himself. But it seems Winant had a shadowy, protective elder brother who believes in personal revenge. And each of the card players in turn feels a faceless doom inexorably closing in. Dark streets and sexy torch-singer Fran lend ambience.
“胜利者”老大佩斯特莱若(拉瑞·比肖普 Larry Bishop 饰)决心带领手下,逐渐从各个方面瓦解“666”的势力,展开复仇计划。然而“胜利者”的内部矛盾日益凸显,组织内绰号为“绅士”的头目(迈克尔·马德森 Michael Madsen 饰)开始质疑佩斯特莱若的领导能力,甚至怀疑他曾许下的利益承诺能否兑现。另一方面,“666”的老大杀人魔王比利·文斯(维尼·琼斯 Vinnie Jones 饰)也带领手下准备时刻予以反击。所有人都卷入进这场混乱的帮派斗争中无以自拔,谁也脱不了干系。